Embed Block

The Embed Block feature allows you to add external content from third-party sources to your website by pasting the embed code.

Here are the steps on how to add the Embed Block to Editor.

  • In the Site Editor, hover your mouse to the left sidebar and click Build (purple button):

  • Under the Features section, Click on Advanced:

  • Drag and drop the Embed Block onto the area of the page you want it to be positioned at: 

  • There are two ways to add or paste codes:
    • Click Add Embed. Start pasting the codes once the Embedded Content pop-up window appears:

    • Hover on the Embed Block feature and click on Edit. You can paste the codes once the black pop-up window appears. 

  • Once the codes have been pasted, you will see the details added instantly to your page.

This Embed Block feature is very much helpful especially if you have details already on what to add to your website via scripting (codes). 

The Embed Block with External Site by URL

To embed an external site: 
  • Switch embed type to Link:

  • Enter the website's address (URL) into the Link field.

Note: You can only embed websites which HTTP/HTTPS protocol corresponds to the website's primary domain. Some HTTP sites may not be displayed in the Editor, but appear on the live site.

You can adjust embed content height to larger or smaller. (Smaller will create a scrollable box for the item). 

With Embed Link type this option is always enabled. For Embed Code type simply disable the ADAPT TO FULL HEIGHT option.

Please keep in mind that custom CSS, 3rd party plugins, and scripts are not supported by our platform.