Customer Files

Adding a File Upload Button

Note:This feature is not available on every Ecommerce tier plan. If the feature is not available for your plan, you will see the corresponding notification.

After enabling the file upload option, a button will appear in the storefront of the product page. 

To enable customers to upload files to a product:

  1. From my Store management, go to Catalog → Products.
  2. Choose a product or create a new one.
  3. Open the “Options” tab.
  4. Click Add Input Field.
  5. Select File Uploader as the Input field type.
  6. In the “Input field name” field, type the name of the option. To specify what formats you prefer to work with, for example, “upload your print in PNG or JPG format.”

7. (Optional) Select Required option if this option is mandatory. Selecting this option means customers won’t be able to add this product to their cart without uploading a file.

8. Save the changes.

Customer View

In the storefront, customers will see the “Add files” button on the product page:

Downloading Customer’s Files

To download a customer’s files:

  1. From Store management go to My Sales → Orders.
  2. Click on the Order from which you want to download files.
  3. Click on the file. The download will begin automatically: