Cancel Orders

You can cancel an order if needed.

To cancel an order:

  1. Go to My Sales → Orders.
  2. Find the order that needs to be canceled.
  3. Click the payment status and select Cancelled:

Once you cancel the order, the customer receives a notification about the changed order status in their inbox.

Actions After Canceling an Order

After you cancel an order, you may need to take follow-up actions depending on the order status: whether it was paid or shipped.

Order is paid, but not fulfilled. If a customer doesn’t want an exchange for another item, you need to issue a refund. Refunds are not triggered automatically upon canceling an order, so you need to do it manually.

Order is unpaid, but fulfilled. Canceling an order prevents you from collecting payment. To get items returned, arrange a return by contacting your customer or a carrier service.

Order is paid and fulfilled. Contact your customer or a carrier service to arrange a return. You can offer your buyer an exchange for another product or issue a refund.

Order is not paid and not fulfilled. Do nothing.