Product-Specific Shipping Rates
Some products in your catalog may not fit into the general shipping calculation you set up on yourShipping, Delivery, and Pickup page. Products that require special packaging may cost more to ship.
To configure a Product-Specific Shipping Rate:
- Go to Catalog → Products.
- Click on the product that requires an individual shipping rate.
- When on the product editing page, switch to the Shipping & Pickup tab.
- Select one of these options: Use your store’s shipping methods, Specify shipping methods for this product, Fixed rate per item, or Free shipping.
Use your Store’s Shipping Methods (default option)
If your product doesn’t require any special shipping fees or delivery conditions, this may be your best bet. You can add a fixed fee to the rate (calculated according to the general shipping settings) as a surcharge to cover extra shipping costs:
Specify Shipping Methods for this Product
Note:This feature isnotavailable on every Ecommerce tier plan. If the feature isnotavailable for your plan, you will see the corresponding notification.
This parameter allows you to create a list of enabled or disabled shipping methods for a product:
Fixed-Rate per Item
Fixed-rate per item (a.k.a. fixed shipping rate) is a flat amount that will be charged per item quantity:
This option is useful for products that require an individual shipping price. If you specify such a fixed rate per item for a product, this rate will be used to calculate the shipping cost for delivering this product to the buyer instead of your store’s shipping rates (if any).
Free Shipping
Any quantity of the product will be shipped free of charge:
5. Click Save.
Once set up, the shipping cost will be calculated for your customer according to each item’s product-specific shipping settings.