Posting on Social Media

Share product information to your business and personal Facebook Page Timeline or Story and Twitter right from a product editing page.

To share a product:

  1. From Store management, go to Catalog.
  2. Open a product you would like to share.
  3. Click Facebook or Twitter icons:

4. Click Share or Tweet to publish.

If you're not yet logged into the account of the social tool you've selected, you'll be asked to do that.

When sharing the product on Facebook, the product name, its link, description, and product thumbnail (that can be disabled, if you wish, or changed to another one if your product has alternative images in the gallery) are automatically added to the text field. You can also add some text to your announcement.

When sharing the product on Twitter, the product name and link are automatically added to the text field. You're welcome to add some text of your own if there's enough space left.